All project and cooperation researchers
This project, which is coordinated by Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Doneus, includes several scientists. Below, all researchers that are (in)directly involved in the project are listed. Clicking on their name opens their personal or Google Scholar website.
Christian Briese is working in the LBI ArchPro since 2010 and is post-doctoral scientific researcher at the Research Groups of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation (GEO) of the Vienna University of Technology. He received his diploma (2000) and Ph.D. (2004) with honours in the field of laser scanning. He was working in many projects funded by the Austrian Science fund and is winner of the Ressel Prize of Vienna University of Technology. His main research interests are laser scanning (both airborne and terrestrial), covering the whole data acquisition process up to the generation of final geometric models. In this project, Christian is mainly involved in the software development, although he is also supervises Martin Wieser who works on the hardware approach.
Being the director of the project, Michael Doneus is employed as Professor at the Department for Prehistoric and Medieval Archaeology at the University of Vienna and is teaching (amongst other subjects) aerial archaeology, landscape archaeology, photogrammetry and GIS. Since 2010, he is deputy director of the LBA ArchPro. Within the LBI, he is also responsible for all aspects of airborne remote sensing. Since 1996 he has been actively engaged with CIPA, the ISPRS & ICOMOS committee for documentation of cultural heritage, where he is currently functioning as vice-president. Additionally, he has been a member of the committee of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG) since 1998. In 2007, he was awarded the Tewkesbury Fellowship at the University of Melbourne, Faculty of Engineering, Australia.
Wilfried is a pre-doctoral scientist in the Research Groups of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation (GEO) at the Vienna University of Technology. He received his diploma in 2005 and has been working since end-2006 on his PhD in the field of time-of-flight range cameras. Since 2005, Wilfried has also been developing SCOP++ (to process topographic data), followed by the design and implementation of a framework to process ALS data ("opals", since 2009) in C/C++. Since Wilfried can be considered an expert in range imaging, programming, image orientation, photogrammetry and computer vision, he is programming the software package OrientAL.
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Camillo Ressl
Camillo Ressl is senior scientist at the Research Groups of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation (GEO) of the Vienna University of Technology. He received his diploma (1997) and Ph.D. (2003) with honours in the field of photogrammetry and computer vision. For his paper on “Experimental results on the determination of the trifocal tensor using nearly coplanar point correspondences” he received the Young Authors Award by the ISPRS in 2004. He also chaired the ISPRS working group on “Automatic Calibration and Orientation of Optical Cameras” in the years 2004 – 2008. As his main research interests are photogrammetry, laser scanning, computer vision, adjustment theory and development of algorithms, he is involved in the development of the OrientAL software.
Geert received his Master’s degree in archaeology in 2002 and his Ph.D. degree (with honours) in May 2009 from Ghent University (UGent, Belgium). He worked as a part-time professor at the UGent from 2010 to 2012 and taught archaeological prospection, geoarchaeology and archaeological IT. In June 2010, he moved to Vienna to accommodate his job as a senior researcher in the LBI ArchPro, where he has been working in the field of airborne imaging spectroscopy, aerial photography and Structure from Motion + Dense Multi-View Stereo (Sfm+MVS). Given his expertise in a wide variety of SfM+MVS programmes, he is mainly testing OrientAL and taking care of the hardware development (mainly camera and metadata-specific issues).
Martin Wieser
In the framework of his Master thesis, Martin was involved in the camera+IMU/GNSS coupling as well as the logging and post-processing of the data.
Automated (ortho)rectification of archaeological aerial photographs
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