Project presentations
Several talks on a variety of project-related topics were presented on many conferences and workshops. They can all be found here and some of them downloaded as PDF.
- Doneus, M. 2013. Beyond Field Survey. Prospecting Archaeological Landscapes. Universiteit Groningen, the Netherlands, 24 September 2013.
- Doneus, M. 2013. Prospecting Archaeological Landscapes (keynote lecture). Počítačová Podbora v Archeológii. 22 May 2013, University of Bratislava, Slovakia.
- Doneus, M. 2012. Aerial Archaeology: Basics and the way forward. LBI ArchPro Scientific Workshop on the Latest Developments in Remote Sensing and Geophysical Prospection, 24 October 2012, Schloss Hernstein, Hernstein, Austria.
- Karel, W. 2013.
Geometrische Kalibrierung von Range Cameras. 06 April 2013, Hannover.
- Karel, W., Doneus, M., Briese, C., Verhoeven, G., Pfeifer, N.
Investigation on the automatic geo-referencing of archaeological UAV photographs by correlation with pre-existing ortho-photos. ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium "Close-range imaging, ranging and applications". Riva del Garda Congress center, Riva del Garda, Italy.
- Kucera M., Sevara C., Trinks I., Doneus M, Verhoeven, G. 2013. Virtual Reality Data Acquisition. LBI ArchPro board meeting conference on virtual archaeology, 14 October 2013, Bliem’s Wohnreich, Halbturn, Austria.
- Risbøl, O., Briese, C., Doneus, M., Nesbakken, A. 2013. Identifying and documenting landscape changes by the use of multi-temporal historical aerial photos and ALS-generated DEMs - an automated and retrospective approach. Archaeological Prospection 2013 - 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, 28 May 2013, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
- Verhoeven, G. 2012. Mapping by Matching – A computer vision-based approach to fast and accurate georeferencing of archaeological aerial photographs. LBI ArchPro Scientific Workshop on the Latest Developments in Remote Sensing and Geophysical Prospection, 24 October 2012, Schloss Hernstein – Hernstein, Austria.
- Verhoeven G. 2012. Mapping history from the air – Combining low-altitude camera platforms and computer vision techniques to inventory palaeontological and archaeological sites in four dimensions. DigitalFossil 2012, 26 September 2012, Museum für Naturkunde – Berlin, Germany.
- Verhoeven, G. 2012. New techniques in 3D mapping - Using Structure from Motion (SfM) in aerial archaeology (theory + practice). Archaeolandscapes Aerial Archaeology Summer School 2012, 20 June 06 2012, Mérida, Spain.
- Verhoeven, G., 2013. Advanced aerial photography processing in PhotoScan (practical session). IC ArchPro Internal Workshop - Using Structure from Motion-based Applications in Archaeology, 29 January 2013, Institut für Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie, UWien, Vienna, Austria.
- Verhoeven, G., 2013. Airphoto processing and artefact reconstruction in PhotoScan. IC ArchPro Internal Workshop - Using Structure from Motion-based Applications in Archaeology, 29 January 2013, Institut für Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie, UWien, Vienna, Austria.
- Verhoeven, G. 2013. Breaking new ground from the air - Some recent technologies for the benefit of aerial archaeology. UCD Archaeological Society seminar series, 24 October 2013, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
- Verhoeven, G., 2013. The computational steps of SfM and MVS. IC ArchPro Internal Workshop - Using Structure from Motion-based Applications in Archaeology, 29 January 2013, Institut für Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie, UWien, Vienna, Austria.
- Verhoeven, G. 2014.
Image-based modelling. LBI ArchPro Scientific Event. MAMUZ Mistelbach, Mistelbach, Austria.
- Verhoeven, G., Docter, R., 2013. The amphitheatre of Carnuntum – Towards a complete 3D model using airborne Structure from Motion and dense image matching. Archaeological Prospection 2013 - 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, 2 June 2013, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
- Verhoeven, G., Doneus, N., Doneus, M., 2012.
From 2D pixel to 3D vertex: Accurate and straightforward 3D documentation of cultural heritage from the Cres/Lošinj archipelago (FWF - P24116-N23). Istraživanja na otocima, 10 February 2012, Hotel Punta, Mali Lošinj, Croatia.
- Verhoeven, G., Karel, W., Štuhec, S., Doneus, M., Trinks, I., Pfeifer, N., 2015.
Mind your grey tones.: Examining the influence of decolourization methods on interest point extraction & matching for architectural image-based modelling. 3D ARCH (ISPRS WG V/4, CIPA). 6th International Workshop on the 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures, 27 February 2015, Avila, Spain.
- Verhoeven, G., Lupashin, S., Briese, C., Doneus, M. 2014.
Airborne imaging for heritage documentation using the Fotokite tethered flying camera. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014. Austria Center Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
- Verhoeven, G., Wieser, M., Briese, C., Doneus, M., 2013.
Positioning in time and space – Cost-effective exterior orientation for airborne archaeological photographs. XXIVth CIPA International Symposium: Recording, Documentation and Cooperation for Cultural Heritage, 9 February 2013, INSA Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.
- Verhoeven, G., Wieser, M., Briese, C., Doneus, M., 2013. ω, φ and κ – random Greek characters or important variables for aerial archaeologists. AARG 2013 International Conference - The Past and Present from Above, 26-9 August 2013, RCE, Amersfoort, The Netherlands.
FWF-Project P24116-N23:
Automated (ortho)rectification of archaeological aerial photographs
Franz-Klein-Gasse 1
A-1190 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-40486
Automated (ortho)rectification of archaeological aerial photographs
Franz-Klein-Gasse 1
A-1190 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-40486